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Think How.

THINK HOW you are going to create a better world.

Welcome to my blog, where I am dedicated to helping you unlock your full potential and become the exceptional leader you were always meant to be. My content is designed to inspire, educate, and empower you on your journey towards personal growth and leadership mastery.

This site offers reflections and lessons into the essential skills that set successful leaders apart, such as self-awareness and emotional intelligence. Learn how to better understand your own emotions, strengths, and weaknesses, and develop the ability to effectively lead and empathize with others.

Don’t miss out on the lessons, strategies, and insights that will propel you towards personal growth and leadership success. Join our community of other ambitious individuals who are committed to unlocking their full potential.


A snippet about me:

I can confidently say that I am an average guy. Well, average American guy. I live in the midwest. I have a wife and two kids. I work a full-time job.

I run a small non-profit in addition to my full-time work. The non-profit aims to get frontline workers out into the backcountry through backpacking, camping, or fly-fishing. It is called Frontline Freedom. You can check it out here.

A part of what Frontline Freedom advocates is mental health. One of the ways we encourage our cohorts to stay mentally resilient is through creativity. Hence, the creation of this site. I cannot preach to others to journal, create vlogs, blogs, podcasts, or take up photography if I am unwilling to do the same

In the spirit of knowing that we are more than the metrics of a census, I wanted to create a space to share. I wanted a space to share my experiences, my life, my thoughts and give a glimpse into the not-so-Instagram perfect reality of which we all are a part

Maybe you will find something interesting from the perspective of an average guy. For me, this is an outlet. If I am constrained by work and am limited in the amount of adventure I can partake in, I must shift my paradigm. I must bring the experiences to myself. We are limited only by what our minds think we can or cannot do.

Personally, I think we can all change the world. First, we have to acknowledge that some aspects of the world do in fact, need improved. One of the quickest ways we can change the world is by making people feel valued, respected, trusted, and purposeful. It all starts with where people spend most of their day. Work. Leadership matters.

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