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Sometimes, it pays to do the work.

Every time I pull up YouTube or my favorite blogs, admittedly to doomscroll, I get inundated with hacks. Life hacks, productivity hacks, car hacks, life hacks, you name it. Each system is a new shortcut in life. When does the madness stop?

At some point, we have to stop creating work to get out of work. Just do the thing.

Relying overly on hacks can lead to a detrimental mindset where the value of hard work and persistence is undermined. These shortcuts can often be perceived as quick solutions, but they rarely provide long-term benefits or skills from fully engaging with a task or problem. Over-reliance on hacks can hinder personal growth, as it encourages a mindset of avoiding difficulties rather than confronting and overcoming them. Not all hacks are universally effective; what works for one person may not work for another, causing frustration and wasted time. Ultimately, the pursuit of constant shortcuts can lead to a cycle of dependency that detracts from the potential satisfaction and self-improvement gained through genuine effort and dedication.

This very phenomenon can be viewed within our own lives. We prioritize taking the easy way out. We choose the path of least resistance.

As Nietzsche once said, “He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.” This quote shares the importance of purpose and perseverance over quick fixes and easy solutions. By finding our ‘why’ or purpose, we can navigate the ‘how’ or the challenges that arise, even when no shortcuts are available.

The hard things are what make us grow.

Nothing in life that is worth having ever comes easy.

Robert Louis Stevenson wisely stated, “Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.” Effort and perseverance we put into our lives are what makes us human, not merely the results. This thought aligns with the notion that proper growth and success stem from facing challenges and persisting through hardships, not simply taking the easiest path.

“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” -Thomas Edison

The difference between success and failure is not a lack of ability or opportunity but rather the will to keep working. Diligently. Not as a hack. Life is always challenging, and we learn, grow, and become stronger in these moments of challenge. It’s not about the number of times you fall but the number of times you pick yourself up and keep going.

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