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Preparedness isn’t just for the ‘preppers’ out there. It is for the leaders and aspiring leaders.

I was listening to a podcast from the former CEO of Netflix. He was talking about company culture and how Netflix turned an idea into a successful company.

What struck me, as an individual who runs an outdoor eco therapy company, Frontline Freedom, was his linkage to an outdoor experience he had. He discussed being on a National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS) trip. He explained that they hiked away from camp one trip, and the weather turned. The group found themselves in an absolute deluge of rain.

The group began to complain and advocate to the instructors to return to base camp. This is where the lesson of life came in. The instructor stated, “What do you mean? You knew we would be away from camp all day. It would help if you were prepared. You cannot rely on me to take care of you.”

That same lesson applies to almost every aspect of life. Some complain about problems, and some actively seek solutions and take action.

Life is a series of verbs. Those who understand that simple fact are always prepared to take action at any step. Life always throws curve balls at you. Being ready for them is the key to success.

Not to be confused with paranoia, being prone to action and preparedness is much simpler. It means you are not going to sit around and wait for someone else to solve all of your problems. You aren’t stuck; you are problem-solving.

Thinking problems through should be a part of your daily routine. Being prepared to take action and solve your problems is a function of leadership. Leaders don’t sit back and complain about their situation. They attack it.

As an avid motorcyclist, I have heard a common saying amongst actual motorcyclists: There is no bad weather, only foul gear.

You can ride in the rain. You can ride in a storm. But only if you are prepared.

Waiting out the rain under a gas station awning prevents you from reaching your goal (destination).

It’s the same in life. It will rain, it will storm. The only way forward is forward.

“The obstacle that stands in the way becomes the way.” – Marcus Aurelius

This quote perfectly encapsulates the mindset of preparedness. Instead of seeing obstacles as barriers to our goals, we should see them as opportunities to grow and find new solutions.

Leaders understand this concept and use it to their advantage. They are always thinking ahead and preparing for potential challenges rather than waiting for them to appear.

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