We’ve all been there. You’re scrolling through your social media feed, and you come across a post that sparks an emotional reaction. Before you know it, you’ve clicked on the comments section and read the responses. But why do we read the online comments when we know they’ll be bad?

The truth is, reading comments can be toxic for our mental health. Studies have shown that people tend to become defensive rather than open-minded when reading online comments. This is because our brains are wired to respond defensively when faced with criticism or disagreement. The amygdala, responsible for our fight-or-flight response, takes over and causes us to become emotionally charged and reactive instead of rational and thoughtful.

Not only can this lead to negative feelings such as anger or anxiety, but it can also lead to polarization of opinions as people become more entrenched in their beliefs. This can create an echo chamber effect where people only hear ideas that align with their views, leading to further division and misunderstanding between different groups.

We must remember that our emotions can cloud our judgment when we read comments sections online. We must try our best to avoid arguments and focus on understanding each other rather than attacking one another with words or opinions. If we can do this, we may progress towards creating a more civil online environment where everyone feels heard and respected regardless of their beliefs or opinions.

It’s important to remember that not all online comments are nasty – some may even provide valuable insight into a particular topic – but it’s best not to take them too seriously if they’re causing stress or making you feel negative emotions. So next time you’re about to click on a comment section, ask yourself: Is this worth my time?

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