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Influence is reciprocal.

It is easy to say we are the sum of the five people we spend most of our time with. We tend to adopt their habits, preferences, and speech patterns. But we often overlook the fact that our actions can have a significant impact on those around us.

Humans are highly social creatures, and our interactions with others shape who we are. Whether through direct communication or simply observing someone’s behavior, others constantly influence us. And in turn, we can affect those around us as well.

Have you ever paused to ponder upon the roots of this phenomenon? Why are we so inextricably tied to one another, shaping and being shaped in return? It’s a testament to our shared humanity. We mirror and echo each other in a perpetual exchange of thoughts, actions, and emotions. It is not simply about mimicry, nor is it a matter of survival. It’s about connection. It’s about belonging. It’s about understanding that we are not solitary but part of a larger tapestry that weaves us all together.

Leadership, in its essence, is not about power, control, or the capacity to command. It is about understanding the connection that binds us all together. It is about recognizing the patterns of our shared existence and echoing those patterns in our actions. When we acknowledge this interconnectedness, leadership becomes a mission of influence, shared ideas, actions, and emotions. It is about both influencing and being influenced, leading and being led. In this dance, we find the core of leadership: the realization that we are all, inevitably and beautifully, interconnected.

Leadership is not a cryptic riddle to be solved nor a lofty concept that remains out of reach. It is about human connection. When sharing a vision, introducing a new product, outlining a plan of action, or delegating an executable task, the key ingredient remains the same: relationship. It is the bridge that connects the leader with those they lead and the conduit through which influence flows. With it, tasks are complete, visions blurred, and plans merely theoretical. The bond between a leader and their team is the lifeblood that infuses the body of work with meaning, purpose, and life.

This need to belong is the spark that ignited the cycle of influence that we engage in today. This basic human desire, this instinctive longing for acceptance and connection, has led us to form bonds, communities, and tribes. These tribes have evolved from simple groups centered around survival to complex networks of individuals bound by common goals, shared values, and mutual respect. And it is within these modern tribes that leadership, as we know it today, takes root.

Leaders are not solitary figures standing atop a tower; they are an integral part of the tribe, bound by the same sense of belonging that holds the group together. They influence and are influenced, lead and are led, shaping and being shaped by the tribe. This cyclical nature of influence, this reciprocation of leadership, is a testament to our shared humanity and interconnectedness. It is the backbone of leadership today.

This is the culture we create in our work lives.

A culture of belonging, shared goals, and mutual respect. And it is within this culture that authentic leadership thrives. So, as you strive to become a better leader, remember all individuals’ power of influence and interconnectedness. Use your voice, actions, and emotions to create a positive ripple effect.

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