Starting off the morning in Reno, we saw that one of the bikes parked next to ours had been tampered with.  The ignition on the Victory machine had been stripped out as if somebody had attempted to ‘hot-wire’ it.  We looked over our bikes and were relieved to not see any damage done to them.  We set off across the desert for Las Vegas.

I feel incredibly sad for the people who fly into Las Vegas.  The absolute most gorgeous riding in that area is through Death Valley.  Despite such a menacing name, the temperatures weren’t all that bad.  It hovered right around 80 degrees.  Lake Walker and the surrounding desert were mesmerizing.  Absolute motorcycle bliss.

Along the way, I struck up a conversation with a man at a gas station.  He was riding a 2015 Road Glide.  His name was Rick but in the motorcycle club he was in he went by ‘Ricochet’.  Nice guy, from Nashville, belongs to a christian motorcycle club.  They do a lot of fundraising for different charities and help others who are struggling with addiction and help them find God.  We talked to Ricochet for about 45 minutes at the gas station.  He asked if he could tag along with us for the day seeing as how we were all on our way to Vegas.  Just like that, we became three.

As we rolled into Vegas, the scenery stopped, the heat set in and the expenses increased.  I’ll never understand why people take their children to Las Vegas as part of a family vacation….  Especially with knowing what prostitution is (Human Trafficking) and that Las Vegas is the number one area for young boys and girls to be trafficked into the sex trade………


Rubber side down.

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