Communication is a Cornerstone of Leadership

As a leader, communication is paramount to the success of your ability to lead, motivate, and inspire.  Merriam Webster Dictionary defines Communication – as a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior.  Are you communicating with your employees, do you assume someone is doing that for you, or worse do you assume they will just figure it out?  Depending on where you are in your organization, are you sure you are clearly communicating the vision and mission of your organization.  Do your employees and subordinates know what you stand for and where your passion comes from?  At the lowest level, do your subordinates know what your expectations are and the performance benchmarks they must meet?

These are all questions that if you have not asked yourself as a leader, you are not only failing yourself, more importantly you are failing those who work for you.  You must take a look at how you are communicating not only verbally, but also through written communication.  Emails, texts, directives, memos, procedures and policies can be confusing.  Clear, effective, and efficient communication is paramount to your ability to lead others to their full potential.  This will help you achieve your organization’s goals and objectives while assisting you in being successful as a leader.  

How is your communication?

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