In his book The Obstacle is the Way, Ryan Holiday talks about how the daily micro-decisions add up to our overall success. He gives the example of Bill Gates, who started programming when he was 13 and, by 19, had co-founded Microsoft. It’s easy to look at someone like Bill Gates and think he was just lucky – that he was in the right place at the right time.

But the reality is that his success resulted from years of hard work and dedication. Micro-decisions he made along the way – like spending hours coding as a teenager – laid the foundation for his eventual success. Even though he was ‘lucky’ and went to a school with an advanced computer program, it would be for nothing without hard work and patience.

So if you’re feeling discouraged because you’re not where you want to be, remember that success doesn’t happen overnight. It results from countless small decisions, each moving you closer to your goal.

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