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If you want something, you must be willing to work hard. It’s not enough to just want it – you have to be willing to go the extra mile, even when it’s tough. The most successful people are often willing to do what others aren’t.

Many of us have become too reliant on convenient options like online shopping, fast food delivery, and door-to-door car services. These are all great ways to save time and make life easier. However, it can come with a hefty price tag. Convenience often costs more money in the long run than doing things yourself; take, for example, the extra fee for having groceries delivered that can quickly add up if you do it regularly. Fast food delivery might seem harmless, but those costs, combined with added charges for service and tipping, can be much more expensive than eating at home or dining in restaurants.

Inconvenience isn’t all harmful. Being forced out of our comfort zones can spark creativity as we seek alternative solutions to meet our needs despite difficult circumstances. Learning to operate in an inconvenient world has its benefits. When we find ourselves in situations that are challenging and not easily navigated, it teaches us how to adapt and think on our feet. Not only does this make us stronger, but the ability to think quickly and problem-solve effectively can lead to success in many areas of life. 

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