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Endurance is not easily achieved and takes a great deal of personal strength. It can involve facing physical or emotional challenges, even in extreme adversity. Refusing to surrender takes an entirely different type of courage – one that requires determination and perseverance to achieve success. It is a choice every person makes for themselves when considering whether options that look bleak or difficult. To refuse to surrender is a sign of confidence and adaptability. Despite any obstacles you may face, you are determined to do whatever it takes to succeed.

How we handle adversity is the beginning point of our capability. Admiral Stockdale is a shining example. Tortured for eight years, he refused to surrender. He refused to surrender information or secrets or show any sign of weakness.

Frederick Douglas another example of refusing to surrender. Escaped slavery by sheer willpower turned into brute force. He refused to surrender when most had expected him to, kept his resolve strong, and continued forward in the freedom mission.

In times of difficulty, it is important to remember that you do not have to surrender. You can choose to keep going despite any odds that are against you.

It’s a refreshing concept that seems to get lost in the mundane world of the everyday.

There is a powerful mindset there. Refusal.

What are you refusing? Is it refusing to give up on your marriage? Refusing to let a lack of promotion stifle your career? Refusing to let the person who cut you off in traffic ruin your day?

Refusing looks different to everyone, but it should be unshakable and empowering, no matter your refusal. Only you know what will make you truly happy and content – refusing is simply clinging to that assurance and not letting anyone tell you otherwise. We all have battles we refuse to lose, from small things like staying true to our convictions to more monumental challenges like overcoming deep personal trauma. What matters is that whatever our refusals may be, we must stand firm in them without fear or hesitation. Our willingness to say no and draw a line will ensure that our future can still hold promise and hope for a better tomorrow.

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