A few years ago, I tackled the concept of what people deserve a blog post. It’s a topic that stirs plenty of emotions, swinging between the joy of earned rewards and the bitterness of perceived injustices. Think about it—didn’t get that promotion you thought you deserved? Or worse, faced an unexpected medical diagnosis? The idea of ‘deserving’ seems to hinge on a comparison with someone else’s life.

At its core, the notion of deserving is flawed. Why? It’s rooted in comparisons. We gauge our worth against others and base our expectations on these comparisons: “I worked harder, I deserve more,” or “Why did this happen to me when others seem to have it easier?” This mindset traps us in a perpetual state of dissatisfaction and self-pity.

But let’s flip that script.

The World Doesn’t Owe You—You Owe the World

I stumbled upon a blog post by Seth Godin titled What Does the World Owe Us? Godin suggested that instead of asking what does the world owe us, we should be questioning what we owe the world.

What if we started asking, “What does the world deserve from me?”

Cynic vs. Optimist vs. Realist

  • The Cynic might argue that the world doesn’t deserve anything from you. “Why should I give when I’ve received nothing but hardship?”
  • The Optimist would say that you owe your life to the world. “Every breath you take, every moment you live, it’s a gift.”
  • The Realist strikes a balance. They understand that positive contributions are necessary for the world to thrive. “Give and take, that’s how the world works.”

But why stop at realism? Why not aim higher?

Give More Than You Expect

Here’s my challenge to you: Choose to give more of yourself than you expect in return. Don’t measure your worth based on what the world hands you. Instead, define it through your contributions. Volunteer your time, share your knowledge, and spread kindness. In doing so, you redefine your sense of ‘deserving.’

Why the World Deserves More from You

  1. Empowerment: When you contribute positively, you empower others and yourself. Every act of giving strengthens your sense of purpose and fulfillment.
  2. Community Building: Your efforts can inspire others to give back, creating a ripple effect of positivity and growth.
  3. Personal Growth: Contributing more than you expect fosters humility, gratitude, and a deeper understanding of your capabilities and limitations.
  4. Global Impact: Small, positive actions accumulate, leading to significant global changes. Imagine a world where everyone gives just a bit more than they take.

Take Immediate Action

Don’t wait for the world to give you a sign or a reward. Start now. Look around—where can you make a difference today?

  • Mentor Someone: Share your knowledge and experience with someone who could benefit from it.
  • Volunteer: Find a cause you’re passionate about and offer your time and skills.
  • Be Kind: Sometimes, even a small act of kindness can have a big impact. Hold the door, smile at a stranger, or offer a word of encouragement.

This is what the world deserves from me.

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