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Do the Work

Sometimes, it pays to do the work. Every time I pull up YouTube or my favorite blogs, admittedly to doomscroll, I get inundated with hacks. Life hacks, productivity hacks, car hacks, life hacks, you name it. Each system is a new shortcut in life. When does the madness...

Slowing Down and Taking the Time to Invest

When we involve our children in our daily tasks, it inevitably slows us down. However, perhaps therein lies the real virtue. This slowing down allows us to be present, to witness their learning and growth, and to nurture their curiosity. It makes us appreciate life's...

The Silent Scroll: Unraveling the Decline in Social Media Posts

The world of social media has undeniably been a buzzing hive of activity. Yet, a recent trend suggests a paradoxical shift. While users continue to spend significant time on these platforms, their active contribution in the form of posts has diminished...

Embracing the Loneliness of Leadership: Escaping the Insanity of the Majority

“The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.” — Marcus Aurelius. In our journey through life, we often struggle between the desire to conform and the urge to assert our individuality....

The Power of Opportunity: Unveiling the True Potential in Every Individual

In our day-to-day lives, we often encounter situations where we see individuals brimming with potential but lacking the platform to showcase it. It is unfortunate that many talented people go unnoticed because they are not given the opportunities they deserve. This...

The Unseen Bridge: How Do You Want To Be Remembered?

Have you ever pondered upon a question that's as uncomplicated as it is profound: how do you want to be remembered? This poses an opportunity to synchronize our deeds with the legacy we wish to leave behind, an urging to shape a life that mirrors our most profound...

How to Pitch a New Idea – With Buy In!

Challenging established norms and introducing fresh, unconventional ideas can catalyze innovation and improvement within an organization. However, voicing these unique perspectives can often feel like navigating a minefield fraught with risk. Here's a well-thought-out...

Embrace the Shift: A Guide to Navigating Your Career Transition

It's not uncommon to find yourself yearning for a career change yet feeling trapped by perceived obstacles. The desire for something new can be overwhelming, but the path toward it may seem impossible. Yet, with the right mindset and approach, you can overcome these...

The Agile Learner

In today's rapidly evolving professional landscape, the ability to adapt and learn new skills is more critical than ever before. This concept, often called learning agility, is the capacity to extract lessons from experiences and apply them in novel situations, thus...

Navigating Career Crossroads: Recognizing When It’s Time to Quit Your Job

Many workers have contemplated their career paths in recent years and boldly decided to resign. The phenomenon, aptly termed "The Great Resignation," saw an unprecedented 50 million people voluntarily leaving their jobs in 2022, surpassing the previous year's record...


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