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“Often, it’s not about becoming a new person, but becoming the person you were meant to be, and already are, but don’t know how to be.”
― Heath Buckmaster

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hi(gh), desert

Left from the Modern Hotel in Boise this morning and jumped on HWY 2o towards Bend, Oregon.  They call it the High Desert.  Once we left civilization we had 130 miles to the nearest town.  No gas stations, no shops, just desert.  It was a great...

people persons

As the title suggests, we are social creatures.  Today we made a lot of new friends.  When departing from Cody, WY a man approached us as we were loading our bikes back up.  He was wearing BMW Motorrad suspenders and was roughly 60 years old.  As...

speed demons and dirt riding champions

If there is one thing I have mastered, it is taking a selfie on a motorcycle at ‘operating speed’.  And just what that is…well…..(trail off slightly)   Today we departed from Omaha and set out west.  The rest of Nebraska could be...